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Payment Gateway Integration

Payment gateway integration is the process of connecting a website with a secure payment processing system, allowing customers to pay with debit/credit cards or other payment methods.

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More about Payment Gateway Integration

A payment gateway is a secure transaction processing technology that facilitates the transfer of sensitive payment data from the customer to the merchant's acquirer. It also sends back payment acceptance or decline notifications to the customer. Payment gateways act as intermediaries between merchants and acquirers, simplifying how card payments are processed.

Payment gateways employ data encryption to protect customers' sensitive payment information and ensure compliance with the PCI-DSS standard. This standard includes annual audits and recertifications to ensure the security of payment data.

Benefits of Online Payment Gateway Integration with Tomsher


By integrating with a secure payment gateway, businesses can ensure that their customers’ sensitive data is protected.

Improved Customer

With the ability to make payments quickly and securely, customers are more likely to make repeat purchases.


Customers no longer need to enter their payment information manually, which can be time-consuming and inconvenient.


We provide assistance in selecting the most suitable payment gateway type and integration pattern for your requirements. We also ensure a speedy integration process by utilizing proven frameworks and pre-built components when possible to reduce costs.

The integration process is generally divided into four main stages

Below are the main steps we take to establish an integration with an online payment gateway.

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Integration Requirements Definition

The first step of the process is to define the requirements for integration. This involves making decisions about the technical requirements of the integration, such as the payment methods and currencies to be supported, the type of integration (API, web-based, etc.), the security measures that must be taken, etc.

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System Configuration

The next step is the configuration of the payment gateway solution. This includes setting up the payment gateway system, linking it with the eCommerce application, and configuring the payment methods, currencies, and other features that were decided upon in the previous step.

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Integration Testing

Once the payment gateway is configured, the next step is to perform integration testing. This includes testing the payment gateway’s functionality, such as the ability to process payments, the security measures taken, and other features.

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The final step of the integration process is to go live. This involves making sure that all the necessary components are in place and that the payment gateway is ready to accept payments from customers. Once the go-live is complete, the payment gateway is ready to be used.

Looking to make an online store with Adobe Commerce platform? Contact us or fill out our inquiry box - we will call you back!

When we evaluate our clients’ goals, we always look for the best fit. In most cases, our experience tells us to build on Adobe Commerce (formerly Magento Enterprise) and Magento Open Source because there’s just no better solution for our clients’ B2B commerce needs.

Payment Gateways

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